比如DAY to day banking 这个账户,一般要交每月4元。但是如果有一个ACTIVE的信用卡(每三个月用一次)和一个ACTIVE 的投资账户(至少保持500元)就可以免除这4元的月费了。
An active RBC Investment:
Includes investments, such as RBC Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) or RBC mutual funds and accounts held at RBC Direct Investing
Requires either the set-up of a regular re-occurring pre-authorized contribution (PAC) from any banking account to the investment account or the maintenance of a minimum balance of $500 market value in the investment account on the last business day of the Monthly Cycle of the banking account. The PAC or minimum balance requirement does not apply to investments held in RBC Direct Investing, where the balance must be greater than $0
Excludes the RBC Investment Savings Account and investments held through RBC Dominion Securities Inc. or other investment brokers, dealers or investment counsellors
Has signed up for a Pre-Authorized Contribution(s)Legal Disclaimer10 (i.e. automatic regular savings transfers) for a combined total of $100/month, $300/quarter or more in their RBC Direct Investing account(s) (registered or non-registered)
Has been an RBC Direct Investing client for less than six months (this allows new clients sufficient time to transfer assets to RBC Direct Investing)
Has a combined total of three or more commission–paid tradesLegal Disclaimer11 during the quarter across all RBC Direct Investing accounts (registered and non-registered)
Has a group RRSP account with RBC Direct Investing
Has qualified for the RBC Direct Investing Royal Circle® programLegal Disclaimer12
Has an RBC Student Banking® package, current or within the last five yearsLegal Disclaimer13