失业金,英文叫Employment Insurance,简称EI,直译过来应该叫就业保险,但因为是失业时才有钱领,所以习惯上叫失业保险或失业金比较顺口。最新的规定以Service Canada的官网内容为准:https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei.html
3.能够申领EI的最少工作小时数见下表,所在地区的失业率越高,需要累积的工作小时越少. 如多伦多地区失业率6。3%。需要工作至少665个小时才能申请EI. 最多能拿38个星期EI。
Province / Territory | Economic Region Code | Economic Region Name | Unemployment Rate | Number of Insured Hours Required to Qualify for Regular Benefits | Minimum Number of Weeks Payable for Regular Benefits | Maximum Number of Weeks Payable for Regular Benefits | Number of Best Weeks Required for Benefit Calculation | Ontario | 27 | Toronto | 6.3 | 665 | 15 | 38 | 21 |
If you received a notice of violation regarding prior EI benefit periods, the number of insurable hours required to qualify is increased. The number of hours is shown in the following table: Number of hours of insurable hours required to qualify for benefitsRegional rate of unemployment | Without violation | Minor violation | Serious violation | Very serious violation | Subsequent violation | 6 % and under | 700 | 875 | 1050 | 1225 | 1400 | 6.1 % to 7 % | 665 | 831 | 998 | 1164 | 1330 | 7.1 % to 8 % | 630 | 788 | 945 | 1103 | 1260 | 8.1 % to 9 % | 595 | 744 | 893 | 1041 | 1190 | 9.1 % to 10 % | 560 | 700 | 840 | 980 | 1120 | 10.1 % to 11 % | 525 | 656 | 788 | 919 | 1050 | 11.1 % to 12 % | 490 | 613 | 735 | 858 | 980 | 12.1 % to 13 % | 455 | 569 | 683 | 796 | 910 | More than 13 % | 420 | 525 | 630 | 735 | 840 |
You must accumulate 600 insurable hours to qualify for sickness, maternity, parental, compassionate care, or family caregiver benefits.
EligibilityThe following information is a guideline. We encourage you to apply for benefits so our processing agents can determine if you are eligible. You may be entitled to Employment Insurance (EI) regular benefits if you: - were employed in insurable employment;
- lost your job through no fault of your own;
- have been without work and without pay for at least seven consecutive days in the last 52 weeks;
- have worked for the required number of insurable employment hours in the last 52 weeks or since the start of your last EI claim, whichever is shorter;
- are ready, willing and capable of working each day;
- are actively looking for work (you must keep a written record of employers you contact, including when you contacted them).
可以亲自到所在城市Service Canada办公室填表申请,最方便的还是登录以下网址直接上网申请:http://www.esdc.gc.ca/en/ei/apply.page
除了申请人的社保号(SIN Number),申请时还需要提供原公司的聘用记录(Employment Record)。有的公司提供的是打印出来的版本,有的公司则是直接将Employment Record发送到政府部门。
全国分为66个经济区(Economic Region)统计失业率。根据各地区不同的失业率,失业金可以拿36~45个星期。Service Canada的网站上有最新的失业率、可以领取失业金的最多周数,每个月都会更新数据,链接如下:http://srv129.services.gc.ca/eiregions/eng/rates_cur.aspx
按照目前(2018年11月)的失业率统计数据,加拿大各大城市的失业率和可以领取失业金的最多周数如下:- 多伦多6.3%,38周
- 渥太华4.7%,36周
- 蒙特利尔6.1%,38周
- 魁北克城4%,36周
其他地区的数据请见Service Canada的网站。享受EI的长短取决于: 1. 你所在地区的失业率 2. 过去52个星期的工作小时数或者从你上一次EI开始算起-不管你的EI有多短。你工作的时间越多,拿EI的时间越长拿EI的时间长短由你工作过的小时数和申请之后当地的失业率决定。EI最短为14周,最长45周。 https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit/benefit-amount.html
失业金的额度是根据失业前52周工资的55%来计算每周可以领取的金额。例如年薪为3万加币,则每周可以领取 (30000/52)x0.55=317刀
那年薪52万的高管被裁后是不是每周可以拿(520000/52)x0.55=5500?当然不可能了。因为EI是有上限的,即计算EI的年收入不得高于51700加币(2018年一月)。也就是说,无论年收入50万还是5.2万,每周的额度都是 (51700/52)x0.55=547刀.
2、如果在失业期间去全职读书,等同于找到了工作,是不能继续领取EI的。如果打算在领取失业金期间参加培训充充电,只能考虑part time课程。