The volatility skew is the difference in implied volatility (IV) between out of the money options (OTM), at the money options (ATM) andin the money options (ITM). The volatility skew, which is affected by sentiment and the supply and demand relationship of particular options in the market, provides information on whether traders and investors prefer to write calls or puts.
平坦无偏斜(Flat or No Skew)即所有期权,无论行权价是多少,波动率都相同,通常意味着市场没有预期价格会有明显的涨跌
即,OTM 的 Call 和 Put 的隐含波动率都比 ATM 期权的隐含波动率高,且高的程度差不多,画成图形就会类似于上图的“微笑曲线”
负向/反向偏斜(Negative or Reverse Skew) 和 正向/前向偏斜(Positive or Forward Skew) 有时候会被称为 smirk ,即这样:“😏”
负向/反向偏斜(Negative or Reverse Skew)图源:Theoptonsguide
买入 Proactive Put,即给正股“上保险”,自从1987年股灾后,大家更愿意这样做
卖出 Covered Call,即卖出虚值 Call,做额外的收入
这样就导致了虚值 put 的价格上升(买的人多,导致价格变贵),虚值 call 价格下降(卖的人多)