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发表于 2018-2-14 15:53:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 闲云野鹤 于 2018-2-15 12:27 编辑

脊骨神經醫學(英语:chiropractic),又稱為脊椎矯正、手療學、 整脊學、脊椎按摩療法,一種源起於美國的替代醫療技術。世界衛生組織(WHO)於北京公布正式中文譯名為「脊骨神經醫學」。通過運用手法器材,來矯正人體的肌肉骨骼系統,特別是脊椎部位,以恢復病患健康。他們相信脊椎角度不正,會影響到人體的神經系統,從而影響到人的健康,這是各種疾病產生的源頭。
[size=15.008px]脊骨神經科的專業範疇包括:診斷、治療及預防因骨骼、肌腱系統毛病引致的神經系統及整體健康所衍生的各種病症。脊骨神經科自1895年開始在美國迅速發展。如今,脊科醫學是一個獨立的醫療體系,脊醫是第一線 醫療人員,跟西醫、牙醫同享獨立而平衡的地位,脊科醫學並非西醫中的分科,不需經任何轉介,可直接為病人診治。脊科醫學會採用部份物理治療的方法,但脊醫並非物理治療師,物理治療師只能隨西醫的指引,為病人提供指定的治療,並不能取代醫生作出斷症及治療方面的主要決定。

There are only two accredited chiropractic programs in Canada.
·        The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto
·        L’ Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres


The doctorate in chiropractic at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières is the only program within the Quebec university system that gives access to the chiropractic profession. Authorized in November 1992 by the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Lucienne Robillard, it is also the first university program of this discipline in the Francophonie, creating a home for teaching, research and continuing education in chiropractic intended to radiate internationally. It also significantly confirms the original direction that the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières has taken in the health sector, focusing its programs of study and research activities on the prevention and promotion of health. .

This five-year program (245 credits) consists of 11 terms, including a summer semester between the winter of the fourth year and the fall of the fifth year. We welcome 47 new students annually.

Candidates selected for the pre-selection must undergo an interview to assess their motivation for the program. During this structured meeting, certain aspects of the candidate's personality will be appreciated in relation to the skills deemed essential to the training.

Each candidate invited to the interview must first meet a chiropractor for a half-day observation in a private chiropractic clinic. The supplementary form must be printed by the student who will complete the upper part. The chiropractor met must complete the bottom part of the form and return it within the time indicated. The form is available by clicking here: Supplementary form .

All students must comply with the Regulation respecting the use of French as a part of the curriculum .

All registered candidates must have a CPR / AED (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / Automated External Defibrillation) certificate that includes protocols for adults, children and infants, and keep it up-to-date throughout the program.

Selection of candidates

For candidates in the college category:

The selection committee makes a pre-selection based on the excellence of the academic record established taking into account the performance rating at the college level.

Then the committee makes a selection, based on the outcome of the personal characteristics assessments at the interview. Candidates who do not attend the interview and who do not agree with the program manager will be refused admission.

An overall score is then established for all applicants according to the following weighting:

Academic record: 70%
Interview: 30%

2017 RSCORE:
7025 Chiropratique 248                  47                                 30,39                  30,39


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